Learn About Logistics provides free eBook PDFs, video training course downloads and tools that address specific topics, giving more information than can be written into a blog post.
Downloads can be used by educators, training professionals and consultants and all we ask in return is that you give recognition with the appropriate reference incorporated into the processes of your enterprise or learning in a class.
When we add any new free eBook PDFs, video training courses or tools, you will be informed via social media or in our weekly blog post to ensure you don't miss new information.
Free eBooks
Essential Information for Planning
Supply Chains
Download Free PDF (425 KB)
Supply Chains Operating Performance
A Financial Approach to Measurement
Second Edition
Reduction of costs is a necessary but short-term approach to performance of Supply Chains. To gain recognition of value that supply chains have to the enterprise requires financial measures that boards of director and CEOs can recognise.
This eBook outlines five financial measures of value for Supply Chains – Operations. These metrics are part of a comprehensive portfolio of measures which define the value of Supply Chains to an enterprise.
Use this eBook in your organisation and in business courses to test the approach and so start improvements to the measurement of performance for your Core Supply Chains.
Download Free PDF (288 KB)
Careers in Logistics
What is Logistics About?
Are you considering a career in Logistics, or wondering what Logistics is about? What do you think of when the word Logistics is mentioned?
The role of Logistics is to ensure that goods and associated services are available for customers and consumers to buy.
But, the word Logistics is written on the side of so many trucks. Does this mean that logistics is transport? Storing goods in warehouses and transporting them to customers are certainly part of Logistics, but they are only a part.
This eBook will help careers advisors and their clients to gain a comprehensive overview of possible careers in Logistics and the roles that Logisticians have in different industries and organisations.
Download Free PDF (148 KB)
Scope of Supply Chains
We have developed an introductory video training course titled Scope of Supply Chains that provides an introduction to Logistics and Supply Chain topics over four modules. The learning is based on visual slides with voice over by Roger Oakden.
The topics contained in Scope of Supply Chains are:
Topic 1 Improve business flows
Topic 2 Logistics to Supply Chains and Networks
Topic 3 Challenges for your business
Topic 4 Support the Logistics strategy
To view a sample of the full course, watch the YouTube video below titled From Logistics to Supply Networks or download the full video training course:
Full course requires installation in Windows 7+ to run
To improve the performance of your supply chains requires analysis of the collected data. ERP and other applications used in supply chains often do not contain relevant tools that assist with the analysis of data.
Learn About Logistics welcomes the submission of tools developed to assist Supply Chain professionals.
Stock Optimiser v2.0
Developed by David Cobby, Stock Optimiser v2.0 is a Microsoft Excel tool for determining the lowest total cost of carrying inventory. The tool seeks to obtain the best overall cost solution, using optimisation within an Excel model that incorporates the Solver functionality.
Important instructions:
You need to activate the free Solver Add-In for Microsoft Excel. Full details on using Stock Optimiser are available in the blog post Logistics analysis: total cost of holding inventory.
External Tools
David Cobby recommends the following software tools to better understand supply chain modelling:
- ModelRisk a free Monte Carlo simulation Excel add-in that allows probability distribution functions to describe uncertainty about values. Monte Carlo simulation is then used to generate possible scenarios.
- What’sBest! is an Excel add-in that allows you to build optimisation models in a free form layout within a spreadsheet.
- ExtendSim provides a range of tools for any type of simulation.
Other Tools and Learning Materials
LucidChart allows you to diagram a supply network using templates – value stream maps and process maps are provided.
The AIMMS Optimization Modelling book provides an introduction to modelling, with worked examples. It is aimed at users who are new to modelling.
A Gentle Guide to Machine Learning provides an overview of the topic and its relationship with Artificial Intelligence (AI).