Speed the flow of money in your supply chains

Roger OakdenProcurement, Supply Chains & Supply Networks

Global network

Know more about your money flow. Aiming to be ‘excellent’ through the supply chains in which your business operates, requires that you address the three flows of each supply chain. A logistics professional is expected to know a lot about the flow of items, be they materials, components or finished products. Increasingly there is an expectation that knowledge of information … Read More

Does Logistics Play a Part in Your Capital Investments?

Roger OakdenGlobal Logistics, Logistics Management, Logistics Planning, Procurement

Capital equipment in your business

Reduce spending in your business. Are ‘savings’ in maintenance expenditure real savings? In a future time, when the original decision maker has moved to another job, additional expenditure will be required to keep the items or equipment operational. A recent court case in Australia found an electricity utility guilty of causing a devastating fire that killed a number of people … Read More

Getting Procurement from good to great – where to start

Roger OakdenProcurement

Procurement success

Starting the improvement process. How should an effective Procurement function operate? There will be different ideas at the detail level, but are there some main points that would find general agreement? These thoughts came about recently while having coffee with a colleague who has recently completed a consulting assignment. The assignment was to advise on ‘reducing the cost of purchased … Read More

Logistics Service Providers can improve their business

Roger OakdenGlobal Logistics, Procurement

Trucks at a distribution centre

What do shippers require of their 3PL suppliers? A third party logistics (3PL) service provider is unlikely to be equally good at every part of their service offering. So what aspects of the service should 3PL businesses and their shipper clients aim for? The events firm Eye for Transport has recently asked shippers and retailers in North America to rank … Read More

Making your supply chains really effective takes time

Roger OakdenLogistics Planning, Procurement

Vehicles at car assembly plant

Productivity as a part of your business. Achieving substantial improvements to the supply chains and logistics of your business is not a five minute exercise. Productivity improvement always involves managers actually managing; that is, allocating resources to achieve the desired outcomes. And that can mean people changing their role in the business or being retrenched – always a difficult exercise. … Read More