Supply Chains group can use Inventory Velocity metric

Roger OakdenLogistics Management, Operations Planning, Supply Chains & Supply NetworksLeave a Comment


Inventory Management term A question for supply chains professionals is “How much finished goods inventory should be held”? But should the answer be provided as a financial value or as physical quantities? And is the answer readily available? As with other aspects of supply chains, a discussion of inventory must commence with an assurance that definitions agreed at the organisation … Read More

A defined role for AI when planning Supply Chains

Roger OakdenLogistics Management, Operations Planning, Procurement, Supply Chains & Supply NetworksLeave a Comment

Strategy Pyramid Stack

Business Analytics and AI And still the seminars and articles extolling the promise of AI continue to tempt the unwary. It appears that all problems known to mankind can be solved with AI – or is it the ‘snake oil’ salesman at work to enhance the ‘fear of missing out’ (FOMO)? An example is surveys that indicate a high percentage … Read More

Changes within Supply Chains requires a trust in people

Roger OakdenLogistics Management, Operations Planning, Procurement, Supply Chains & Supply NetworksLeave a Comment


Topics to consider Commentators have noticed the push by senior management for employees to ‘return to the office’. Another topic of interest has been that of collaboration through supply chains to improve resilience of businesses. And a third area for articles is that recent events and disruptions in supply chains has the potential for global consumer and supply markets to … Read More

To change supply chains requires relevant information

Roger OakdenLogistics Management, Operations Planning, Procurement, Supply Chains & Supply NetworksLeave a Comment


Trade Lanes and Supply Chains Trade Lanes can change for a variety of both short and long term factors. But that does automatically equate to a situation that will affect or influence your organisation’s supply chains. Trade Lanes provide information on the direction of a trade, typically across international borders between ports, countries, or regions. Trade Lanes are linked with … Read More

Resilient supply chains are required in the near future

Roger OakdenLogistics Management, Operations Planning, Procurement, Supply Chains & Supply NetworksLeave a Comment

Climate change warning

A different structure When will the next major disruption to your organisation’s supply chains occur? And what will be the cause – climate, conflict, pandemic, financial? For each of these questions there is not an answer, although many predictions. But if supply chain professionals wait until a disruption occurs before responding, then it may be too late for the business. … Read More