Forecasting helps you to be less wrong. In our personal lives we would be reluctant to identify what we will be doing in three month’s time, over the period of a week. Yet, we are quite willing to identify a single point figure as the sales for an item over that same week in three month’s time. Why is it … Read More
Resources - the new challenge in your supply chains
Using less resources in your business. Reducing the amount and value of non-renewable resources through your supply chains will be the coming challenge for management and will require the skills and knowledge of procurement and logistics professionals. For more than a century, until the early 2000’s, the price of hard commodities (except oil) and energy had trended down, but since … Read More
Be confident of your supply chain figures
Using numbers to support your logistics strategy. When developing your logistics strategy, you may have in mind possible expansion to additional countries. Your Marketing and Logistics groups must build the business case for the expansion; but what figures will you use, especially concerning the prospective market size? You have heard the saying ‘lies, damn lies and statistics’, which gives a … Read More
Planning your business to reduce supply chain risks
A threat to your business. The overwhelming typhoon that recently struck the Philippines is another reminder that global warming is changing climate patterns, causing larger storms. Cyclones, typhoons and hurricanes are the names given in different parts of the world for the same condition. The outcome is the same – enormous devastation over a wide area and the need for … Read More
Forecasting seasonal sales
Its that time of year again. In some countries the Christmas season can be make or break for retailers selling discretionary merchandise (the stuff we might like to own but do not need). In the few weeks of December retailers can generate as much as half their annual sales and a quarter of their profits, so it is a big … Read More