Forecasts about future jobs. Articles and videos about ‘new’ technologies and the future of work can be alarming at first impression – like “80 percent of operations planning jobs will be automated in 10 years”! Over the past 40 years, there have been forecasts, which have not eventuated, of change’ in industries and the workplace. Memorable instances were ‘computer integrated … Read More
Agile supply chains require apps for Assemble to Order
IT applications which meet the need. Commentators are telling us that to be successful, manufacturers and distributors operating in an ‘on-demand’ economy will require to integrate the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing and multiple other technologies. But what they do not write about are the software requirements to plan the flow of materials and resources through an Agile supply … Read More
The long tail of Inventory requires a good structure
Long tail of inventory. Currently, media articles are discussing the potential changes to business and the wider community from the implementation of new technologies. But fewer discuss the potential changes from implementing different business models caused by changes in markets. A recent comment noted that order sizes on Asian fabric mills have decreased by between 20 and 30 percent over … Read More
New technologies and inventory planning applications
Technologies and planning. The hype surrounding new technologies has identified that many tasks will become automated and jobs are at risk. This will include supply chains, but how long until there is concrete evidence of job replacement actually occurring? Recently, Sears, a US based retailer announced that all items sold through its stores will have an RFID tag attached for … Read More
Inventory Planning is more than figures in a formula
Uncertainty and risks. Increasing response to orders (that is reducing lead times) is apparently becoming the requirement of buyers, from consumers to retailers to tier 1 suppliers and back through supply chains. If this situation is true (and I have doubts about the actual situation vs the hype), then having sufficient inventories at critical nodes in your supply chains will … Read More