Your focus – metrics or observation. As a business gets larger, the challenge for managers is whether to only believe the performance measures (metrics) presented or to also take notice of the views from staff and customers. If only metrics are considered, managers are entering dangerous territory. I have been reading about a major retailer in Australia that relied on … Read More
Does Logistics Play a Part in Your Capital Investments?
Reduce spending in your business. Are ‘savings’ in maintenance expenditure real savings? In a future time, when the original decision maker has moved to another job, additional expenditure will be required to keep the items or equipment operational. A recent court case in Australia found an electricity utility guilty of causing a devastating fire that killed a number of people … Read More
Maintenance is a cost saving Logistics role
Lack of maintenance can cost your business. What do governments and the community do after a disaster? The first response is to rebuild, with little thought given about how the new facilities will be maintained or how the future maintenance will be financed. This can also happen in companies when new facilities and equipment are purchased to address a need. … Read More
Logistics is a big discipline
The basics of logistics is easy to understand. A colleague told me this week that Logistics is simple – pick it up, move it, put it down. But, as he said, it gets more difficult when you consider what must operate successfully, so that the simple tasks are not a waste. Some years ago there was a video about waste … Read More
In-house or outsource your logistics operations
In-house solution for delivery. Amazon is reported to be trialling an in-house solution for deliveries of items direct to consumers in America and the UK – should we be surprised? The move is reported due to major logistics service providers (LSPs) not being able to consistently meet the criteria for customer service set by Amazon. Also Amazon has stated that … Read More