A strategy for planning in the new supply chain world

Roger OakdenGlobal Logistics, Logistics Management, Logistics Planning, Procurement, Supply Chains & Supply Networks

value and supply chains are gold

The future will differ from the past Major downturns in business activity are when the ‘deck of cards’ of industry get reshuffled. So, what strategies will be in place for your organisation’s supply chains to respond? Developing a supply chain strategy for when the peak of the pandemic has passed will be a ‘clean sheet’ exercise. Typically, plans are designed … Read More

Protect your supply chains with a WH or DC risk plan

Roger OakdenLogistics Management, Procurement, Supply Chains & Supply Networks

Trucks at a distribution centre

Planning for a ‘known unknown’ Your facilities are at risk of exposing people to the COVID-19 virus, resulting in the shutdown of a warehouse (WH) or distribution centre (DC). Rather than just responding when the event happens, develop your WH/DC risk management plan, to reduce the likelihood of a disruptive event happening and if it does, lessen the consequences. Factors … Read More

Your supply chains and logistics after the disruption

Roger OakdenLogistics Management, Procurement, Supply Chains & Supply Networks

Describe the flow between Suppliers and Customers

Your supply chains may change Supply Chains is a term that at last has entered daily use, but it has taken a global emergency for that to happen. The question for supply chain professionals is whether your supply chains and logistics will need to change when commerce returns to ‘normal’, whenever that will be? When business is in a growth … Read More

Big disruptions and their effects on supply chains

Roger OakdenGlobal Logistics, Logistics Management, Logistics Planning, Procurement, Supply Chains & Supply Networks

Empty shelf at supermarket

The current disruption The COVID-19 virus event has been a supply chain risk waiting to happen. A virus is not a ‘black swan’ event, but a ‘known-unknown’. The potential risks and likely consequences of a new virus were evident at the time of the SARS virus of 2002-3 and the H1N1 virus of 2009. The difference between then and now … Read More

Disruptions may drive your supply network design

Roger OakdenGlobal Logistics, Logistics Management, Procurement, Supply Chains & Supply Networks

International trade and your business

An application that was not a success The take-up of technologies by industry not only depend on the business value of a technology, but how and to whom its is sold. If the timing is wrong, there is an increased risk of failure. So it was with Supply Network modelling; introduced with much fanfare in the early 1990s. The concept … Read More