The hype about Industry 4.0 and Digital Supply Chains

Roger OakdenGlobal Logistics, Logistics Management, Procurement, Supply Chains & Supply Networks

Speed in supply chains

A vision to understand. Industry 4.0 appears to be a term gaining favour in the media for the next transformation of how materials and items are made and delivered. The term Digital Supply Chain is also being pushed. Are they the same or different? As with any new idea, there is a multiplicity of definitions. The Learn About Logistics versions … Read More

Inventory Record Accuracy is the first improvement area

Roger OakdenGlobal Logistics, Logistics Management, Logistics Planning, Supply Chains & Supply Networks

Improve from the basics

Improving your Supply Chains. Although articles tell us of new challenges and exciting technologies for supply chains, I find that actual challenges and steps to solutions have yet to dramatically change. I was recently cleaning a computer disc of past PowerPoint presentations. One slide from 2000 listed the discussion points concerning Supply Chain challenges for a Logistics Masters student workshop. The … Read More

Gaining executive support for Supply Chain initiatives

Roger OakdenGlobal Logistics, Logistics Management, Procurement, Supply Chains & Supply Networks

Management understanding of supply chains

Challenges remain the same. If you do not understand the principles of an activity, you will more likely not support a proposal for change and improvement. That is the situation in many organisations where initiatives concerning supply chains are considered and approved by a cross section of executives. A continuing constraint to gaining support for initiatives in Supply Chains is … Read More

A new supply chain technique can be old with a new name

Roger OakdenGlobal Logistics, Logistics Management, Procurement, Supply Chains & Supply Networks

Old techniques

A new buzzword. The 24 hour news cycle lends itself to ‘new buzzwords’ and unsubstantiated claims and this can happen in articles about Supply Chains. A recent article used the term ‘elastic logistics’ – flexible solutions that allows logistics infrastructure to meet market fluctuations. I have not read articles about ‘elastic engineering’ or ‘elastic medicine’ – maybe because there is … Read More

Waste in your supply chains is a big number and growing

Roger OakdenGlobal Logistics, Logistics Management, Procurement, Supply Chains & Supply Networks

Waste is money

The challenge of waste. Some national governments are starting to recognise the total cost of waste in their economy. Following this recognition comes a desire to ‘do something’. It is likely to include a requirement to reduce the total volume of all wastes produced per citizen and reduce the costs of handling, transport and storage for all forms of waste. … Read More